Network Security - Project 4

Developing a simple Network Sniffing Program


a)      Learning Objectives: 

WinPcap, the Open Source Windows packet library is the industry-standard tool for link-layer network access in Windows environments. It allows applications to capture and transmit network packets bypassing the protocol stack, and has additional useful features, including kernel-level packet filtering, a network statistics engine and support for remote packet capture.

WinPcap consists of a driver that extends the operating system to provide low-level network access, and a library that is used to easily access the low-level network layers. This library also contains the Windows version of the well known libpcap Unix API.

The objective of this project is to acquaint the student with how to develop a simple sniffing application using Winpcap library.

b)      Tools utilized:

-         The student will be provided an external hard disk with Windows 2000 professional or windows XP installed.

-         Winpcap  library (for Windows) can be download locally at or  at

http://www.Winpcap .org/install/default.htm.

-         Once you have installed Wincap, a tutorial (WinPcap_docs.html) can be found in the foler WpdPack_3_1\Wpdpack\docs. Sample applications developed by using Wincap can be found at the foler Examples-pcap, which is under the WpdPack_3_1\Wpdpack folder.

-         C compiler (for example Visual C ++ 6.0).

-         A WEB/FTP/TELNET server is setup for students to use their program to sniff the network connection. The testing account will also provided.

·        The server IP address:

·        Testing account for Web server: username: test /password: test

·        Testing account for Ftp server: username: test /password: test

·        Testing account for Telnet server: username: test /password: test  

c)      Requirements:

-         This project requires the understanding of network (IP) and transportation layer protocols (TCP/UDP). The student will have to use C programming language and Winpcap library to develop a simple network sniffing program that can read the network traffic.

-         An UDPDump sample application is available as one of the sample programs in the example applications folder. You may use that program as a base of your project.

-         The student will use this program to read the following information from a network connection:

1.      Aauthentication information of HTTP connection

Note: The username and password of a HTTP connection is Base64 encoded. Your program will need to perform Base64 conversion in order to print the username and password in readable format. See or other web site for how to perform the conversion.

2.      Aauthentication information of TELNET connection

3.      Aauthentication information of FTP connection

4.      The content of web pages accessed from a Web server.

-         The student is required to submit excecutable program and the source code.

-         The student can export the captured information to a file or capture the screen shots as a supplement submission to the program source code.



-         The student is also required to submit readme file that shows how to run the program.

d)      Problem classification:

This experiment can be classified as a programming assignment and also as a network study experiment.

e)      How it may be implemented in the security lab:

This project requires a LAN environment and a network server to provide WEB, TELNET and FTP services. The project will be implemented and tested in the D158 student network. Each student will be given external hard disk in order to install OS and utilities.

f)        Level of difficulty:

Based on the level of difficulty, this experiment can be classified as an experiment in intermediate category.

g)      Grading criteria and methods:

The submitted executable file must run and capture network traffic. The grader will run the program against TCP or UDP connections and the program must capture expected network traffic.